Tree Surveys
Tree owners have a legal duty of care to prevent injury caused by their trees.
Tree Surveys
Tree owners have a legal duty of care to prevent injury caused by their trees. Insurance can offer some protection but it is no substitute for regular inspection and positive tree management.
At Plantscape Tree Services we have the knowledge and expertise to carry out tree reports, surveys and develop strategies and recommendations to assist our clients in meeting their legal responsibilities and duty of care.
Tree Services
Arboricultural consultant
- BSs (Hons) Hort Horticulture (Tree Management)
- FdSc LDM Landscape Design and Management
- LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection certificate
- Technician Member of the Arboricultural Association (TechArborA)
- C.S. 30, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 47, MEWP, woodchipper, PA1, PA6, AO1, AO2